Oklahoma City Thunder Clear Favourites In NBA Championship Betting

The Oklahoma City Thunder are the clear favourites to win the NBA Championship after progressing to the final today, priced at $1.53 with online bookmaker sportsbet.com.au.

The Boston Celtics are next in the market at $4.15, with LeBron James’ Miami Heat the outsiders at $4.80.

“The Heat entered the playoffs as clear favourites, but it is Oklahoma City who now look like the ones to beat,” said sportsbet.com.au’s Shaun Anderson.

“There is more money on the Heat than the Thunder and Celtics put together, but they look to be the least likely at this stage.”

These promo betting odds are direct from Sportsbet.com.au. Bet with Sportsbet Australia, enjoy these odds and receive a $500 Sportsbet Free Bet. Just use the Sportsbet Promo Code 27110 when joining Sportsbet.

NBA championship

$1.53 Oklahoma City
$4.15 Boston Celtics
$4.80 Miami Heat